Standard remedies besides eye allergy drops are:

* Cold compresses on the eye – this will soothe any irritation and wash away irritants.
* Visit an eye specialist who can determine the type of your allergy and prescribe you oral medications or allergy shots depending on the case.

Key to keeping an eye allergy free thus not needing the use of allergy eye drop is maintaining a healthy tear film. We all are prone to tear film dehydration due to many factors around us; hare are couple of ways to prevent this from happening:

* Get couple of bowls of water around your house to humidify the air especially when you have an air conditioner running.
* Take frequent baths or showers.
* Wash face and eyes frequently.

Taking in consideration all of the above tips, I hope you will not need the allergy eye drop this season or the next. Recognizing your allergies and working with your doctor will help you prevent any further outbreaks.